Investor R&D Day 2022
Welcome to Investor R&D Day 2022
January 28, 2022
Agenda and webcast replay
Panel Discussion on Cell and Gene Therapies
Doreen Pippen, Vice President, Marketing
Dr. Mike Mitchell, Professor of Innovation, Bioengineering, Mitchell Lab, University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Mohamad-Gabriel Alameh, Director of Engineered mRNA and Targeted Nanomedicine Core, Weissman Lab, University of Pennsylvania
Biologics Safety Testing Overview
Christine Dolan, Chief Operating Officer, Biologics Safety Testing
Eric Bishop, Vice President, R&D, Cygnus Technologies®
Nucleic Acid Production Overview
Brian Neel, Chief Operating Officer, Nucleic Acid Production
CleanCap® and CleanScript® Overview
Mike Houston, Chief Scientific Officer, TriLink BioTechnologies®
Investing in our Opportunities
Kevin Herde, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Supporting documents
Pfizer-BioNTech I white paper
A Global Need Meets a Large-Scale Solution: Supplying CleanCap® Reagent for a COVID-19 Vaccine
TriLink BioTechnologies® | white paper
Advanced Development of Domestic Manufacturing Capabilities for Critical mRNA Vaccine Components (NTPs)
Dr. Mike Mitchell I KOL research
Lipid Nanoparticle-Mediated Delivery of mRNA Therapeutics and Vaccines
Dr. Mohamad-Gabriel Alameh I KOL news I Penn Professor whose mRNA research paved way for COVID-19 vaccine is leading new treatments
Penn professor whose mRNA research paved way for COVID-19 vaccine is leading new treatments | The Daily Pennsylvanian (thedp.com)